Why Jaipur has surplus staff of teachers when posts lie vacant in countryside ?

Rajendra Bora

Jaipur. Everybody knows in the administration what ails government schools but none of those responsible for proving quality education is willing to correct things.

The biggest problem with government schools in every district is posts of teachers lying vacant. Take for example the district of Jaipur. As many as 153 posts of teachers are currently lying vacant in this district alone. If this is the situation in Jaipur one can very well visualize the situation in other districts. Despite consistent demands from parents and people’s representatives for filling the posts the situation remains the same.

The government schools, particularly in countryside and rural areas, have to go with vacant posts of teachers in spite of the fact that there is no shortage of teachers. Then why this situation persists? To find the answer one does not have to conduct any research. Government’s own official figures tell the story.

The official figures reveal that while 153 posts of teachers are lying vacant in schools in different parts of the Jaipur district, the capital city alone have 163 surplus teachers. If the surplus staff in Jaipur city is redeployed in the district no post of teacher remains vacant. If this is done the district would have ten teachers more than the sanctioned posts.

Official figures show that one of the schools in the capital has 21 teachers surplus having no teaching job to perform while schools in other parts of the district cry fro staff.

The capital city can also boasts of having 78 teachers in first grade surplus. A first grade teacher gets around Rs.30,000 per month while second grade teacher gets around 25,000 per months. One can easily visualize the burden the surplus teachers are putting on public exchequer.

A strong political will can correct the situation. But that would mean disturbing the surplus staff enjoying no-work-full pay. It will be the biggest problem because this surplus staff in Jaipur and other district headquarters have backing of bold and powerful in corridors of power.

The previous BJP government completely failed to correct the situation. Will the new government have guts to act decisively and fulfill its obligation to improve education standard in its own schools is the question experts are asking.

(The story was published in Jaipur Live of The Hindustan Times on May 20th,2009)


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